Snow Cameras

Perisher Snow Cams

Thredbo Snow Cams

To view the most up to date image, hit the ‘Reload’ or ‘Refresh’ button on your browser tool bar. The camera refreshes every half hour between 8am and 4:30pm each day.  These views are an indication of conditions, it is recommended that images are viewed in conjunction with the lift status and snow reports.

Images courtesy of Perisher ( and Thredbo (

Members cards

Discount Card

We are again extending the offer this year for the members discount card to you or anyone you know, if you have friends or family who may wish to take advantage of this offer just let us know and we will send out your members card.

Find out more about the Members Discount Card…

The Base Ski

Service on Facebook

You can now get up to date snow reports and web cams directly though Facebook. Simply log into your Facebook account and become a FAN of our page and we will do the rest.

Check us out on Facebook and become a fan…